One of Frog’s fellow volunteer firemen works for a roofing company and we scored about 300m of used, galvanized corrugated steel in 8m, 6m and various other lengths for $500 along with wire roofing mesh and a bucket of roofing screws. Enough for my shed roof, to seal up the front of the new pole shed around the roller doors and about as much again left over. I’d already put up the rafters and arrived home one day to find that Frog and his carpenter/cabinet maker mate Ant had got bored with what they were doing and faced the front and back and started framing at the hole spacing in the used steel. I had an early start for a conference call and a meeting the next morning, but I flexed the afternoon off. When I got home Frog and Ant had finished framing and had started putting up the used wire roofing mesh. I gave them a hand finish that and then we rolled out the silver paper, layed the steel and screwed it down with the used screws.
Frog screwing down the roof steel before Ant and I join him.
Frog had also aquired a glazed, aluminium framed door and a couple of windows that were surplus to requirements for the pole-shed. I framed up the back wall for one window and I’m halfway through framing for a window in the side wall.
We had to extend the tracks that came with hand-me-down roller doors as they were too short. Again, I prepped the steel and Frog welded it – he does it so much quicker and better than me, but I really must practice more. I fitted the tracks which is a fiddly business when the fabric tape along the edges is all twisted and hardened in the sun.
Finally, at the, ahem, third attempt, Frog stick welded in the door frame. First we had it in the side wall at the back, but realised this wouldn’t work without moving a car back out of the carport whether the door was swung in or out and cut it out with a grinder. Having then moved it to the front of the side wall we realised we had not left enough space for the roller door track and had to cut it out again. I guess it happens when you work mainly at the weekends and make it up as you go along. Anyway, the door is now screwed in place. Next job is to finish the second window frame and then the rails for the steel for the walls, but we need to mill some more 4″ x 2″ to do that. Still a long way to go, but good progress.